Desatei a publicar como se não houvesse amanhã, e nem tempo houve para uma breve apresentação.
A verdade é que, este blog é, nada mais, nada menos, do que uma janela aberta para o meu computador...dezenas de pastas actualizadas diáriamente, ao longo dos últimos anos (editoriais, "runways", wishlists, inspirações e mood boards criados por moi même...) tudo religiosamente guardado e organizado.
Tudo muito bonitinho, mas todo este material só cumpre a sua função se for partilhado.
Quero ouvir opiniões, suscitar discussões (saudáveis)... enfim, quero partilhar as minhas ideias e levar outras comigo.
Espero que se divirtam tanto com este blog, como eu me tenho divertido a construí-lo (e por falar em construir o blog, obrigada "amiga-cheia-de-paciência-que-me-criou-o-blog").
Bisou Bisou
Chiquita Banana
I started to publish and neither did a brief presentation.
The truth is, that this blog is nothing more and nothing less than an open window to my computer ... dozens of folders updated daily, over the past few years (editorials, runways, wishlists, inspirations and mood boards created by moi même ...) all religiously kept and organized.
But all of this stuff must be shared.
I want to hear opinions, give rise to discussions (healthy) ... I want to share my ideas and bring others with me.
I hope you have so much fun with this blog, as I've been to build it (and speaking of building the blog, thank you friend-full-of-patience-which-created-me-the-blog).
Bisou Bisou
Chiquita Banana
I started to publish and neither did a brief presentation.
The truth is, that this blog is nothing more and nothing less than an open window to my computer ... dozens of folders updated daily, over the past few years (editorials, runways, wishlists, inspirations and mood boards created by moi même ...) all religiously kept and organized.
But all of this stuff must be shared.
I want to hear opinions, give rise to discussions (healthy) ... I want to share my ideas and bring others with me.
I hope you have so much fun with this blog, as I've been to build it (and speaking of building the blog, thank you friend-full-of-patience-which-created-me-the-blog).
Bisou Bisou
Chiquita Banana
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